Which cancers appear to be prevented or treated by vitamin D
Based on 2 pages from VitaminDWiki
Major Cancers with Strong Evidence:
Colorectal Cancer
25% less likely with good vitamin D levels
Death from colon cancer 8X less likely with good vitamin D levels
Multiple meta-analyses show preventive effectsBreast Cancer
Risk decreased 16% for every extra ng of vitamin D
Mortality reduced 60% with vitamin D levels above 60 ng/mL
Treatment outcomes improved with vitamin D supplementationProstate Cancer
Death 40% less likely with vitamin D levels above 40 ng/mL
Risk cut in half by consuming vitamin D along with other nutrients
Treatment effectiveness enhanced with vitamin DLung Cancer
Death rates 40-60% lower with high vitamin D levels
Risk decreases 5% for every 2.5 ng increase in vitamin D
Up to 7X more deadly if poor vitamin D genesMelanoma/Skin Cancer
25X more likely with low vitamin D
Better survival rates with higher vitamin D levels
Particularly strong connection with UV exposure and vitamin D production
Other Cancers with Evidence of Benefit:
Pancreatic Cancer (55% less likely with optimal vitamin D)
Bladder Cancer (60% less likely with high vitamin D)
Lymphoma (survival rates improved with adequate vitamin D)
Ovarian Cancer (37% less likely with high vitamin D)
Liver Cancer (30% less risky with vitamin D above 30 ng/mL)
Key Points:
Prevention typically requires 2,000-5,000 IU of vitamin D daily
Treatment may need >8,000 IU daily
Blood levels above 40-60 ng/mL appear optimal for cancer prevention
Vitamin D works through multiple mechanisms to fight cancer:
Inhibits cancer cell growth
Reduces metastasis
Stimulates cell differentiation
Induces cancer cell death
Prevents tumor blood vessel formation
Reduces inflammation
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